Proalides tentaculatus De Beauchamp, 1907 |
Proalides tentaculatus; specimen carrying an amictic egg; lateral view, focus plane on the cerebral eyespot. |
Proalides tentaculatus; same specimen; after accidentely releasing the egg; dorsoventral view. |
Proalides wulferti, malleate trophi, different focus planes. The malleate trophi of P. tentaculatus differ in two aspects from the trophi of Proalides wulferti: 1. no apophysis on the fulcrum (unfortunately no images yet) and 2. missing alulae on the rami (upper right; arrows) |
Location (1): Wellenbur near Augsburg, BY, Germany, pond |
Habitat (1): plankton, together with Brachionus diversicornis |
Date (1): coll.: 13.06.2022; img.: 13.06.2022; |